Thursday, May 14, 2009


This week I have:

1-Met with the moving company for a pre-move walk through. In three weeks I will be waist deep in boxes (and trying to not be completely stressed out at all that needs to be done).

2- Set up disconnect dates and gave forwarding address to utility companies. (That was an hour of my afternoon!)

3-The house is purged and cleaned (mostly) for the move. Now to just maintain that standard!


ViolinMama said...

praying for you!! What a week, and what a week to come!!!

God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving me some things to keep in mind! We are moving soon too..

Mother Mayhem said...

We moved 8 months ago. The garage is still waist deep in boxes. SIGH.

Tracy said...

And another Tracy is moving in 3 weeks, too! And you are WAY ahead of me!!! Woo hoo, you go girl!

Rebecca said...

Oh, the fun of moving. Sounds like you are on top of things, though! The one thing (ONE thing) I like about moving is it forces you to declutter. You can either pack stuff or get rid of it, and often the latter is easier!

Stacey said...

Good for you!! You are on top of this!